Kama Nature Reserve, 9 June 2019Gibraltar Peak Lookout at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, 12 June 2019Turkey Hill in Tidbinbills Nature Reserve, 14 June 2019Aranda Bushland, 16 June 2019Shepherds Lookout, 20 June 2019Weston to Woden, 21 June 2019Majura Saddle, 23 June 2019Murrumbateman, 26 June 2019CCT Mt Sheaffe Isaacs Ridge, 29 June 2019CCT Murrumbidgee Corridor, 30 June 2019Barrer Hill, 2 July 2019Himalayan cedar Forest National Arboretum, 4 July 2019Urambi Hills, 5 July 2019CCT Northern Border Camp, 7 July 2019Pine Island, 10 July 2019CCT Forde to Hackett, 13 July 2019Barrer Hill, 17 July 2019lunch at Booroomba Rocks, 18 July 2019Bruce and OConnor Ridges, 19 July 2019National Arboretum Canberra, 24 July 2019