
Job Descriptions (opens page with Job Descriptions)

ACTWFP Nomination Form PDF 74KB

ACT Walking for Pleasure Inc. Rules of the Association (our Constitution) PDF 179KB

25 YEARS ON... A history of ACT Walking for Pleasure 1987-2012 PDF 16MB

Walk Rating System (used for Saturday and Longer Walks) PDF 204KB

Information for New Walkers and Members PDF 202KB
Your Member Account PDF 434KB
Setting your passwordexisting members  PDF 191KB
Individual Responsibility for Walking in Adverse Air Quality Conditions PDF 68KB

Responsibilities and Guidance for Walk Coordinators PDF 56KB
Incident Report Form (Word .docx file)
Policies on Personal Information & Harassment PDF 104KB
Walk Attendance sign-on Sheet PDF 269KB

Tips for Walk Leaders PDF 16KB
Tips for Walk Leaders (summary) PDF 92KB
Important Tips for Longer Walk Leaders PDF 58KB
Information about access on days of Total Fire ban in the ACT PDF 91KB
Guidelines for Managing Walks in Extreme Weather Conditions PDF 127KB

Park Trek Get Hiking Ready brochure PDF 2.12MB




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