Friday Walkers at Gibraltar Peak lookout, 26 May 2018Walking near Kambah on Sunday, 14 January 2018Crossing Sullivans Creek at ANU, 19 January 2018viewing UNA at ANU, 19 January 2018fish and chips after the evening walk, 21 January 2018Black Mtn Peninsula to the Arboretum, 31 Jan 2018between Kambah Pool and Red Rock Gorge, 7 February 2018lunch at the Orroral Valley Lookout off the Square Rock Walking Track, 15 February 2018Kama Nature Reserve, 16 February 2018Gecko Hill at Goorooyaroo Nature Reserve, 9 March 2018at the top of The Pinnacle, 15 March 2018One Tree Hill on the Canberra Centenary Trail, 1 March 2018Coombs to the Molonglo River - A Woodland Track, 11 April 2018Away trip to Narooma, April 2018 Group 1Away trip to Narooma, April 2018 Group 2Tharwa, 13 June 2018Gibraltar Peak walk, 17 June 2018Parliamentary Triangle, 20 June 2018Ashbrook Fire Trail Tidbinbilla, 21 June 2018Kaleen Giralang Palmerville, 22 June 2018